Advanced Piano Scores (PDF) *
The following links are for piano scores for those advanced piano students undertaking Grade 8 and above. Individual piano scores are available for download in PDF format.*
* All PDF scores (and associated audio recordings where applicable) are subject to copyright by the respective copyright owners, where such copyright subsists in the work, and use of the materials is strictly only for study purposes. Distribution is strictly prohibited. Link sharing is strictly prohibited.
Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe *
The Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe of the complete works of Johann Sebastian Bach, as published from 1851-1899 in a series of 46 volumes by the Bach-Gesellschaft and Breitkopf und Härtel in Leipzig:
Bach BGA in 46 Volumes (Complete PDF) |
Band 1. Kirchencantaten, Band 1
Band 2. Kirchencantaten, Band 2 Band 3. Clavierwerke Band 4. Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Matthäus Band 5.1. Kirchencantaten Band 5.2. Weihnachts-Oratorium Band 6. Messe H moll Band 7. Kirchencantaten, Band 4 Band 8. Messen Band 9. Kammermusik. Band 1 Band 10. Kirchencantaten. Band 5 Band 11.1. Magnificat D dur und vier Sanctus Band 11.2 Kammermusik für Gesang. Band 1 Band 12.1 Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Johannes Band 12.2. Kirchencantaten. Band 6 Band 13.1. Trauungs-Cantaten Band 13.2. Clavierwerke. Band 2 Band 13.3. Trauer-Ode Band 14. Clavierwerke. Band 3 Band 15. Orgelwerke. Band 1 Band 16 Kirchencantaten. Band 7 |
Band 17 Kammermusik. Band 2
Band 18 Kirchencantaten. Band 8 Band 19: Kammermusik. Band 3 Band 20.1: Kirchencantaten. Band 9 Band 20.2: Kammermusik für Gesang. Band 2 Band 21.1: Kammermusik. Band 4 Band 21.2: Kammermusik. Band 5 Band 21.3: Oster-Oratorium Band 22: Kirchencantaten. Band 10 Band 23: Kirchencantaten. Band 11 Band 24: Kirchencantaten. Band 12 Band 25.1: Die Kunst der Fuge Band 25.2: Orgelwerke. Band 2 Band 26: Kirchencantaten. Band 13 Band 27.1: Kammermusik. Band 6. Band 27.2: Kirchencantaten Band 28: Kirchencantaten. Band 14 Band 29: Kammermusik für Gesang. Band 3 Band 30: Kirchencantaten. Band 15 Band 31.1: Orchesterwerke Band 31.2: Musikalisches Opfer |
Band 31.3: Kammermusik. Band 7
Band 32: Kirchencantaten. Band 16 Band 33: Kirchencantaten. Band 17 Band 34: Kammermusik für Gesang. Band 4 Band 35: Kirchencantaten. Band 18 Band 36: Clavierwerke. Band 4 Band 37: Kirchencantaten. Band 19 Band 38: Orgelwerke. Band 3 Band 39: Motetten, Choräle und Lieder Band 40: Orgelwerke. Band 4 Band 41: Kirchenmusikwerke. Ergänzungsband Band 42. Clavierwerke. Band 5 Band 43.1: Kammermusik, Band 8 Band 43.2: Musikstücke in den Notenbüchern der Anna Magdalena Bach Band 44: Handschrift in zeitlich geordneten Nachbildungen Band 45.1: Instrumentalwerke. Ergänzungsband Band 45.2: Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Lucas Band 46: Schlussband. Bericht and Verzeichnisse Supplement Band: Die Kunst der Fuge |
* All PDF scores in the BGA are subject to copyright by the respective copyright owners, where such copyright subsists in the work, and use of the materials is strictly only for study purposes. Distribution is strictly prohibited. Link sharing is strictly prohibited.
Teacher Page
Thursday, 5:00-6:00pm - Nicole CHEN
Ph: (07) 3721 9210 / M: 0409 590 888 (Mother/Sophia Chen) / M: 0409 590 972 (Father/Justin Kuo)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Thursday, 5:00-6:00pm - Nicole CHEN
Ph: (07) 3721 9210 / M: 0409 590 888 (Mother/Sophia Chen) / M: 0409 590 972 (Father/Justin Kuo)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Friday, 3:30-4:30pm - Genevieve CUBILLA
M: 0402 428 150 (Mother/Dikea, Father/Omar)
E: [email protected]
M: 0402 428 150 (Mother/Dikea, Father/Omar)
E: [email protected]
Saturday, 3:00-4:00pm - Samuel POON
Ph: (07) 3273 6815 / M: 0402 517 542 (Mother/Fay)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Ph: (07) 3273 6815 / M: 0402 517 542 (Mother/Fay)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Saturday, 4:30-6:00pm - Michael & David HWANG/BEETHAM
Ph: (07) 3216 9858 / M: 0412 026 288 & 0412 403 475 (Mother/Karen)
E: [email protected]
Ph: (07) 3216 9858 / M: 0412 026 288 & 0412 403 475 (Mother/Karen)
E: [email protected]
Saturday, 6:00-7:00pm - Daniel WANG
Ph: (07) 3243 8788 / M: 0401 681 913 & 0466 013 118 (Mother/Bonnie)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Ph: (07) 3243 8788 / M: 0401 681 913 & 0466 013 118 (Mother/Bonnie)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Teacher Articles of Interest:
Music Teaching CareersStarting a Private Teaching Studio by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Teacher Burnout: How Do We Cope With It? by Professor William Leland
Planning a Career in Music Teaching by Jenny Simaile
How You Can Help On The Piano Education Page by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.Studio
OperationsPreparing an Effective Studio Policy by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Piano Lessons Delivered to the Home by Barbara J. Savage
Piano Mentoring - Getting It and Giving It by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D. and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Piano Teaching Philosophies by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Dealing with Missed Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Encouraging Summer Piano Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Managing Time in the Teaching Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Dealing With "Impossible" Students by Nancy Ostromencki
Reprinting from The Piano Education Page by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Bartering for Piano Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Teachers Helping Teachers - A Proposal by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Marketing Your Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Forming and Operating A Local Music Teacher Organization by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Music Teacher Organization Membership by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Setting Lesson Fees by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Piano Hygiene in the Teaching Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Reducing Costs in the Teaching Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Acquiring and Using Student Feedback by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Building Interest in Piano Lessons and Music by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Copyrights - An Introduction for the Piano Teacher by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
The Teacher-Student-Parent Initial Interview - A Teacher's Perspective by Nancy Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Setting Standards for Your Studio and Your Students by John M. Zeigler and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Teaching Tips
A Practice Incentive Program by Barbara J. Savage
Top Ten Tips for Teachers - General by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Switching Methods by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
On Teaching Piano Technique - Parts I and II by Hao Huang
Teaching Adult Students by Annabelle Leviton
Teaching Composition to Piano Students by Jane L. Viemeister
Are We Having Fun Yet? Teaching Learning Disabled Students by Ann M. Fernandez
How Young Is Too Young? by Barbara J. Savage
Musical Discovery: Some Thoughts on Choosing Repertoire by Linda Holzer
Replacing Rhymes by Jenny Simaile
Digital Keyboards in Teaching and Learning by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
An Introduction to Rote Teaching of Piano by Joan S. BurrowsT
he First Lesson by Nancy L. Ostromencki
Some Guidelines and Sources for Choosing Repertoire by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Teaching Students Who Play by Ear by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Teaching Advanced Students by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Motivating Students - Just Whose Job Is It? by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Resources for Impaired Piano Students and Their Teachers by John M. Zeigler and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Valuable "Extras" You Can Give Your Students by John M. Zeigler
Enriching Your Students' Musical Backgrounds
Creating the Well-Tempered Clavierist by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Getting Ready for College Music Auditions by Nancy Ostromencki
Organizing and Running a Student Piano Competition by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Making the Most of Piano Competition Judging by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Technology and the Teaching Studio
Choosing and Using Music Software in the Studio and Home by John M. Zeigler, Ph. D.
A MIDI Sequencing Tutorial by Robert S. Finley
Keyboards, Digital Pianos and Piano Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Evaluating Music Software Before You Buy by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Establishing a Studio Computer Teaching Lab by John Zeigler and Nancy Ostromencki
Setting Up a Web Page for Your Studio - Part 1 The Basics by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Setting Up a Web Page for Your Studio - Part 2 Do's and Don'ts by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Setting Up a Web Page for Your Studio - Part 3 Writing for The Internet by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Music Teaching CareersStarting a Private Teaching Studio by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Teacher Burnout: How Do We Cope With It? by Professor William Leland
Planning a Career in Music Teaching by Jenny Simaile
How You Can Help On The Piano Education Page by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.Studio
OperationsPreparing an Effective Studio Policy by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Piano Lessons Delivered to the Home by Barbara J. Savage
Piano Mentoring - Getting It and Giving It by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D. and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Piano Teaching Philosophies by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Dealing with Missed Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Encouraging Summer Piano Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Managing Time in the Teaching Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Dealing With "Impossible" Students by Nancy Ostromencki
Reprinting from The Piano Education Page by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Bartering for Piano Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Teachers Helping Teachers - A Proposal by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Marketing Your Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Forming and Operating A Local Music Teacher Organization by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Music Teacher Organization Membership by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Setting Lesson Fees by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Piano Hygiene in the Teaching Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Reducing Costs in the Teaching Studio by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Acquiring and Using Student Feedback by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Building Interest in Piano Lessons and Music by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Copyrights - An Introduction for the Piano Teacher by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
The Teacher-Student-Parent Initial Interview - A Teacher's Perspective by Nancy Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Setting Standards for Your Studio and Your Students by John M. Zeigler and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Teaching Tips
A Practice Incentive Program by Barbara J. Savage
Top Ten Tips for Teachers - General by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Switching Methods by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
On Teaching Piano Technique - Parts I and II by Hao Huang
Teaching Adult Students by Annabelle Leviton
Teaching Composition to Piano Students by Jane L. Viemeister
Are We Having Fun Yet? Teaching Learning Disabled Students by Ann M. Fernandez
How Young Is Too Young? by Barbara J. Savage
Musical Discovery: Some Thoughts on Choosing Repertoire by Linda Holzer
Replacing Rhymes by Jenny Simaile
Digital Keyboards in Teaching and Learning by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
An Introduction to Rote Teaching of Piano by Joan S. BurrowsT
he First Lesson by Nancy L. Ostromencki
Some Guidelines and Sources for Choosing Repertoire by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Teaching Students Who Play by Ear by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Teaching Advanced Students by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Motivating Students - Just Whose Job Is It? by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John M. Zeigler
Resources for Impaired Piano Students and Their Teachers by John M. Zeigler and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Valuable "Extras" You Can Give Your Students by John M. Zeigler
Enriching Your Students' Musical Backgrounds
Creating the Well-Tempered Clavierist by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Getting Ready for College Music Auditions by Nancy Ostromencki
Organizing and Running a Student Piano Competition by Nancy L. Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Making the Most of Piano Competition Judging by Nancy Ostromencki and John Zeigler
Technology and the Teaching Studio
Choosing and Using Music Software in the Studio and Home by John M. Zeigler, Ph. D.
A MIDI Sequencing Tutorial by Robert S. Finley
Keyboards, Digital Pianos and Piano Lessons by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Evaluating Music Software Before You Buy by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Establishing a Studio Computer Teaching Lab by John Zeigler and Nancy Ostromencki
Setting Up a Web Page for Your Studio - Part 1 The Basics by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Setting Up a Web Page for Your Studio - Part 2 Do's and Don'ts by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.
Setting Up a Web Page for Your Studio - Part 3 Writing for The Internet by John M. Zeigler, Ph.D.